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L’entreprise Mutanda Mining doit assumer ses responsabilités face à la pollution de la rivière Luakusha et du lac Kando et la destruction des champs des populations locales
L’Observatoire Africain des Ressources naturelles (AFREWATCH) et l’Association pour le Développement des Communautés du Lac
Mutanda Mining should assume responsibility for polluting the Luakusha River and the Kando Lake and for destroying population’s farms
African Resources Watch (AFREWATCH) and the Association for the Development of Lake Kando Communities (ADCLK)
Mutanda Mining should assume responsibility for polluting the Luakusha River and the Kando Lake and for destroying population’s farms
African Resources Watch (AFREWATCH) and the Association for the Development of Lake Kando Communities (ADCLK)