Communiqué de presse N°03 / 2025
AFREWATCH appelle les autorités nationales et provinciales du Lualaba à faire cesser des menaces d’arrestation contre les membres du bloc Manomapia dans la commune de Fungurume et à faire respecter la réglementation en matière d’indemnisation, délocalisation et réinstallation. L’Observatoire Africain des Ressources naturelles, AFREWATCH, une Organisation de promotion et défense des droits humains œuvrant dans
Press Release N°03 / 2025
AFREWATCH calls on the national and provincial authorities of Lualaba to put an end to threats of arrest against members of the Manomapia block in the commune of Fungurume and to enforce the regulations on compensation, relocation and resettlement. The African Natural Resources Observatory, AFREWATCH, a human rights organisation working in the natural resources sector,
CNPAV Communiqué Revisitation Convention Sicomines
Revisitation de la Convention Sino-Congolaise : Le CNPAV exige la préparation rigoureuse, la transparence totale
Consumer awareness is growing of how common products are tied to the exploitation of mineral rich territories and their communities and environments. This visual looks at three cases involving military occupation
Consumer awareness is growing of how common products are tied to the exploitation of mineral
Every year, Israeli Chemicals Ltd. (ICL) pumps millions of cubic meters of water out of the Dead Sea to mine its abundant minerals, just one example of the link between resource extraction and military occupation
Every year, Israeli Chemicals Ltd. (ICL) pumps millions of cubic meters of water out of